Use of Calcium gluconate

Asia Bio-Pharmaceutical Research Institute
Submitted by xulijin on Wed, 09/18/2019 - 02:39

Calcium gluconate is a food calcium fortifier that absorbs better than inorganic calcium. It can be used in cereals and their products, and the dosage is 18~36g/kg; in milk beverages and drinking liquid, it is 4.5~9.0g/kg.
Calcium gluconate acts as a drug to reduce capillary permeability, increase density, maintain normal excitability of nerves and muscles, strengthen myocardial contractility, and aid in bone formation. It is suitable for allergic diseases such as urticaria, eczema, pruritus, contact dermatitis, and serum diseases and angioedema as adjuvant therapy. Also suitable for convulsions and magnesium poisoning caused by hypocalcemia. Also used to prevent and treat calcium deficiency. As a food additive, it is used as a buffer, a curing agent, a chelating agent, and a nutritional supplement.